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Attention should be paid when using the industrial fruit juicer
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Attention should be paid when using the industrial fruit juicer

Author:HanLong Date:2021-8-28

Fruit is a part of people’s life, and it contains the nutrition that people need, which can not only provide water, but also provide many nutritional elements, and it is the food that people often eat every day. Nowadays, many people like to juice fruits, especially for the elderly and children. Therefore, industrial fruit juicers have developed rapidly.Let’s talk about the correct use of industrial fruit juicer and the points for attention.

industrial fruit juicer

The position of the juicer should not be tilted, and should be firmly placed, not loose, and the position should not be changed. Check whether the props and filters of the juicer are firm before use, and confirm that the cup body is firmly installed and confirmed. Before juicing, the food or fruit should be cut into pieces suitable for the entrance of the juicer, and then put into the juicer. Start the machine and confirm that the motor runs normally.Push the food into the cup, keep it at a constant speed, avoid too fast and too fast, so as not to cause danger. After the food is processed, remove the power first, and then pour out the processed food. Carefully clean various parts inside and outside the juicer to avoid water flowing into the motor. After the juicer is used up and cleaned, it should be placed in a ventilated place out of direct sunlight and completely dried in the shade.

Industrial fruit juicer machine

Attention should be paid when using the industrial fruit juicer. In order to extract the juice better, it is necessary to press the pusher step by step instead of pressing it extremely quickly during juicing. Turn off the power when cleaning, and do not use grinding and cleaning tools, which will damage the product surface.

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